Stay at Home and watch TV during COVID Meme picture of couch
Fight COVID-19!
The Sinner
The Sinner : a psychological thriller from Netflix
Veronica Mars
Veronica Mars: a witty teenage P.I. drama on Hulu
Hugo : a gorgeous captivating film about a boy finding a home on Netflix
Invader Zim
Invader Zim: animated dark comedy about an ambitious alien on Hulu
Dexter : everyone's favorite serial killer- a dark comedy on Hulu & Netflix
2015 Classic NBA Finals Game 6: Golden State Warriors vs. Cleveland Cavaliers
2015 Classic NBA Finals Game 6: Golden State Warriors vs. Cleveland Cavaliers

About Purple Pages

Purple Pages is the 21st century answer to the "TV Guide" for "cord-cutters". Our web application allows you to quickly search which streaming service has the TV show, movie or sports game you want to view. You can see ratings, plot information, actors, viewing schedules, and more.

Click the golden links at the top of the page to find your favorites!

Purple Pages searches availability of content from: Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Instant Video, Apple TV+, Google Play, iTunes, YouTube Premium, ESPN, Disney Plus, Hulu, Atom Tickets, CBS, DC Universe, HBO, Discovery Channel, Fandango Movies, Fox, NBC, and Nickelodeon.

Juggling kids?
Working Remotely?
You are not alone! While stuck at home in efforts to combat COVID-19, many of us rely on television and film to de-stress and entertain children!

After watching family and friends scour the internet for hours looking for something to watch and figure out where they could stream it, we were inspired to create Purple Pages as a timely, free, and vital resource!

Complete with our personal recommendations, we hope you enjoy!


Nailed it! - recommended by Erin

Available on Netflix. This show is hilarious. And frankly, who doesn't need a laugh right now? The contestants are generally new to baking or just terrible at it. A timed contest challenges the 3 bakers to try and recreate highly-advanced level cakes and creations from famous bakers/ celebrities. The show hosts world-famous culinary icons and chocolatiers and is part reality TV but mostly a hysterical hot mess. Light, up-beat, and worth watching if you haven't seen it.

Sharp Objects- recommended by Erin

Available on HBO. Nominated for 8 Emmy's and winner of a Golden Globe, this stunning murder mystery/ psychological puzzle takes you on a thrilling visceral ride! The imagery and story-telling are rich. Sharp Objects is an eight-episode series based on the novel by Gillian Flynn. It is dark, compelling, and captures a fantastic performance from Amy Adams and other all-star cast members. Adams, a female journalist, returns home to take on her traumatic past that still also, like it or not, resides in her present. A haunting mystery ensues, flush with twists and turns!

The Edge of Seventeen- recommended by Erin

On Netflix, GooglePlay. Do you miss John Hughes' movies?! I sure do. This is a coming of age comedy written in the same vein of Hughes- with sharp wit, dark humor, and a big heart. The film features an all-star cast, hilarious sparring dialogue, unapologetic candidness, and captures the modern teenage angst and drama of genZ in particular. An impressive debut from Kelly Fremon Craig to say the least.

The Expanse- recommended by Johnny

On Google Play, iTunes, Prime. A brilliantly written sci-fi that seems to be an exact window into our future given our desparate climate crisis. In the future, humanity will expand to the rest of the solar system in order to funnel resources like water to the Earth, but our primal tribal instincts will lead to divisions, distrust, and hatred of people who don't look like us, think like us, or live like us. Earth and Mars see the Belters as degenerate brutes and The Earthers and Belters see the Martians as war-hungry robots. And both Mars and the Belt see the Earthers as entitled, lazy freeloaders whose only connection to them is their common origin. This series explores the very problems that our race has faced from the moment we discovered fire and split up into tribes, and the very problems that will bring our species to an end.

Sabrina- recommended by Johnny

Available on Netflix. A dark remake of the titular 90s sitcom, Sabrina details the struggle of a young, overconfident teenager to question the misogynistic cult-like customs of her dead father's coven and their obsessive obedience to an evil figure known as The Dark Lord. This new Sabrina constantly butts heads with her elders as she opts to bring feminist changes to the coven, and not even the literal Devil himself can stop her.